Pacific Ramps
These ramps are light weight and durable to give years of safe and dependable service. The 1000 and 2000 series is used to load small equipment such as tractor tillers, mowers and any light weight items that need to be moved from place to place. The ramps come in one piece or two piece, so the particular model can be matched to your need. The ramps that we manufacturer are of all steel construction.
Highly versatile loading & walk ramps that can cut manpower. (one man can load 100 & 200 lb items).
Loading Equipment in a customer’s vehicle saves time & money. (no trailer or associated cost in hook-up, maintenance and licensing)
You can turn dolly rental into double profit. (just by coaching).
Sending ramps with your equipment can cut maintenance costs.
Two different styles of ends are offered in the Model 1000 & Model 3000 series, F1 or Standard. Add $5.00 per ramp for F1 style clip.